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Positive Mind Affirmations

Enjoy these positive mind affirmations in just 6 minutes !

Positive affirmations can help to override your limiting subconscious beliefs.
Limiting beliefs can hold you back from attaining your true potential.
Beliefs come from your thoughts, emotions and feelings and their repetition which influence your behaviour, your actions and, ultimately, your results. Beliefs become automatic and drive your thoughts, behaviour, actions and your results. Beliefs can become self-fulfilling prophecies, for example, no matter how much you do to lose weight or earn more money, you get the same result. This is because you have set up a limiting belief. 
Your limiting beliefs can be the driver that shapes your life. They can be taken on board at anytime - during infancy, childhood, teenage years and adulthood. You may not even be aware of your limiting beliefs but they are silently running the show. 
Limiting beliefs can ‘penetrate’ the subconscious level of your mind. To interrupt these automatic beliefs and thought patterns that your subconscious mind sets up, you can use affirmations. In this way, you can override the limiting belief and replace it with a positive, productive belief. 
We suggest that you use this audio every day for 2 weeks followed by 2-3 times a week for a month, then 1-2 times a month for maintenance.
Note: This audio is included in the Positive MindSet Manifesting System.
"Where I thought I couldn’t do something,
suddenly I can – quite uncanny but amazing! 
Thank you.”
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Positive Mind Affirmations is the copyright of Reiki Mastery Academy.
You may not, except with our express written permission, copy, pass on to another person, distribute or commercially exploit the contents of this audio in any format.

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