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Empowering Your Solar Plexus

This is a relaxing, yet powerful 30 minute guided meditation to expand the light of your Solar Plexus energy centre, bringing high vibrational energy to begin dissolving old resonances that you are now ready to let go of such as anger and fear.

By releasing the old, you make way for the new. Bringing light into your solar plexus can help to empower your energy body so that you attract new, clear, fresh energy into your energy field, attracting new experiences and new opportunities to you, in line with the Law of Attraction. This can help you to manifest more of what you do want into your life, rather than more of what you do not want.

If you are experiencing repeated patterns, this may be a sign that old emotions and thoughts are driving your present day actions and outcomes.

You will be guided to use this audio at the right time and if you are reading this, you most probably are meant to begin resolving some of these energies that no longer serve your highest potential.
"I really needed this, I knew something was wrong as I kept going round and round on the same old wheel - thank you, great audios as always."
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Empowering Your Solar Plexus is the copyright of Reiki Mastery Academy.
You may not, except with our express written permission, copy, pass on to another person, distribute or commercially exploit the contents of this audio in any format.

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