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Guided Relaxing Light Meditation

Enjoy this 20 Minute guided relaxing Light Meditation anytime - lying down, in bed, when having a bath, before going to sleep or simply when you fancy a cat nap!
Although it is relaxing, it is powerful as it brings the Light into the layers of your aura and chakras - cleansing your energy body which is connected to your physical body via energetic channels known as nadis and meridians.
Feel your energetic body rejuvenating with fresh, new high vibrational Light and flowing into every cell of your body and circulating around your body.
Lift your vibrational frequency and rise above energy vibrating at a lower frequency whether this is certain people, situations, world energy, wars or illnesses.
As you bring the Light into you using this Light Meditation, this sends a ripple effect out to others and the rest of the planet. Spreading the Light brings the Law of Attraction into play for you, so that you attract high energy to yourself and your life.
For more information on our Reiki Courses and Guided meditations,
© Reiki Mastery Academy 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Light Meditation is the copyright of Reiki Mastery Academy.
You may not, except with our express written permission, copy, pass on to another person, distribute or commercially exploit the contents of this audio in any format.

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