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Abundant Manifesting System

Our Abundant Manifesting System includes two audios which, when used regularly, can help to override the subconscious mind and reframe any limiting beliefs about abundance. Filled with positive, inspiring affirmations, you will be working with your higher mind, in a deeply relaxed state.  

Limiting beliefs can hold you back and prevent you from attaining your true potential. Your limiting beliefs can be the driver that shapes your life. They can be taken on board at anytime - during infancy, childhood, teenage years and adulthood. You may not even be aware of your limiting beliefs but they are silently running the show. 
By tapping into your higher mind, and working with your subconscious at a deep level, as you fully relax, you will start to ‘penetrate’ your subconscious mind. The aim is to interrupt your automatic beliefs and thought patterns that your subconscious mind has set up over years and years of repeated behaviour.
Now, you can work with your subconscious mind to override these limiting beliefs and replace them with positive, inspiring beliefs creating an abundant higher mindset to manifest with the Law of Attraction.
“I have had such amazing dreams since using this system, and then, the next day, something happens and I know that I have changed something in my mind. Where I thought I couldn’t do something, suddenly I can – quite uncanny but amazing! 
Thank you.”

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Abundant Manifesting System is the copyright of Reiki Mastery Academy. 
You may not, except with our express written permission, copy, pass on to another person, distribute or commercially exploit the contents of this audio in any format.

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